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Neurofeedback Interventions – What Neurofeedback can help you with?

by learningdiscoveries on March 17, 2014

Neurofeedback is a strategy by which a person can learn to regulate their own brainwaves to produce the correct amount of brainwaves and brain patterns that increase brain function. There are many conditions for which Neurofeedback has been shown to be efficacious. These include:


If the amount of anxiety is out of proportion to a situation that lasts too long then many intervention methods is called for to help people reduce control their anxiety. These include relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, biofeedback and Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective because it teaches people to become aware of their physiological responses of anxiety and that it can helps people learn to relax.


Adults and children with ADD/ADHD have very specific physiological problems which can be seen by an EEG (electroencephalography). Their abnormal brainwave patterns can vary from increased Theta brain waves to decreases Beta and increased Alpha brain waves in certain regions of the brain. The brain can be taught to function correctly by teaching it to produce the correct proportions of brainwaves.
“[Neurofeedback training] has been rated as efficacious (level 4 on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best)” because it teaches the brain to produce normal proportions of brainwaves – the better a person with ADHD learns to normalise their brainwave patterns, the more their behaviours normalise. Reduced impulsivity, hyperactivity and increased concentration are some of the effective benefits of Neurofeedback training.

The first application of Neurofeedback was successful in managing seizure activity. Those who suffer with seizures produce abnormal brainwaves and/or too little of certain brainwaves. Neurofeedback training can monitor and teach the brain to increase the amount of correct brain waves to reduce seizure activity.

Neurofeedback can reduce tension and migraine headaches. Tension headaches are caused by muscles in the neck, shoulders and jaw from being tense for long periods of time. This can be a result of postural problems, over reactions of muscles to stress and poor habits. Neurofeedback can be used to recognise levels of tension in conjunction with relaxation training to correct the problem.

Sleep disturbances can range from not being able to fall sleep, waking up frequently, or waking up early without being able to fall back asleep. These are frequently related to stress, anxiety, and depression. Neurofeedback can be used in insomnia to teach people to recognise when they are experiencing exaggerated physical stress and to help them learn to control these responses.

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Rosemary Boon

Registered Psychologist

M.A. (Psych),
Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies (Sch. Counsel),
Grad Dip. Ed. B Sc, Dip. Nut.

Provider No. 2582331F ATMS No. 20831

Drug free and natural solutions for learning, behavioural & mood disorders

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Primitive Reflexes
Sound Therapy
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